Vladimir A. Chobotov (Editor)

Orbital Mechanics (Third Edition) (Hardback) [Vladimir A. Chobotov (Editor) - 2002]

  460 PGS, 2002, AIAA
  ISBN 978-1563475375

The emphasis of Orbital Mechanics is on applied and engineering aspects of the subject, to be useful for students and practicing engineers. After briefly reviewing the basics, the book addresses orbital maneuvers, systems, and perturbations as well as interplanetary trajectories.


    1. Basic Concepts
    2. Celestial Relationships
    3. Keplerian Orbits
    4. Position and Velocity as a Function of Time
    5. Orbital Maneuvers
    6. Complications to Impulsive Maneuvers
    7. Relative Motion in Orbit
    8. Introduction to Orbit Perturbations
    9. Orbit Perturbations: Mathematical Foundations
    10. Applications of Orbit Perturbations
    11. Orbital Systems
    12. Lunar and Interplanetary Trajectories
    13. Space Debris
    14. Optimal Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer
    15. Orbital Coverage

Price: $94.95
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